by Drew Flanagan
Artist Statement
“Goodbye” is a folk song I originally wrote about ten years ago, but it’s always been my favorite of my originals. If I had to sum up its themes, I’d say it deals with loss and the mix of nostalgia and resentment that loss can leave us with. Soundwise, I was listening to a lot of Nick Drake at the time and I think that comes through a bit. This recording is on the old side but I like the quality and the audience engagement—it was recorded live at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2015.
Drew Flanagan is a visiting assistant professor of history at Pitt-Bradford. When he’s not researching the history of the Franco-German borderlands along the Rhine River, he plays folk music and watches truly terrible movies in order to make fun of them with like-minded people. He has played the violin for over 20 years and guitar for about 15 years.